Transforming Southwell Racecourse

We take pride in our ability to transform sporting venues into environments for athletes. Even if those athletes happen to be on four-legs! Our recent project at Southwell Racecourse stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence in equine surfacing. Southwell Racecourse, renowned for its prestigious events and dedication to equine welfare, faced a challenge. With its aging rubber tile pathways, parade ring, and winner’s enclosure. Years of use and occasional flooding had taken a toll, leaving the surfaces uneven and damaged.

First, was the removal of the worn out rubber tiles. This careful process ensured minimal disruption to the racecourse’s operations while allowing us to assess and prepare the underlying sub-base thoroughly. With the sub-base prepared, our next step was the application of our wet pour rubber flooring. This quality material was chosen not only for its durability and resilience but also for its ability to provide a smooth and stable surface. This was essential for the health and performance of the racehorses. From the pathways that guide the horses to the parade ring where champions are celebrated, all the way to the winner’s enclosure.

The result?

A revitalised racecourse that not only meets but exceeds the highest standards of safety and performance. Our newly laid wet pour rubber flooring not only enhances the aesthetics of the racecourse but, more importantly, ensures a comfortable and secure footing for the horses as they prepare, parade, and celebrate their victories. Our expert team understands that sports surfacing isn’t just about functionality, it’s about creating an environment where athletes can thrive. Whether on two legs or four! Our commitment to quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction shines through in every project we undertake.

Are you ready to take your equestrian facilities to the next level? Whether you’re looking to revamp your horse stables to racecourse pathways, parade rings, or enhance the winner’s enclosures. Our team is ready to bring expertise and excellence to your project. Let’s create a safer and comfortable environment together, because every stride towards excellence begins with the right surface.

Contact us today, to book in for a free site survey!

Do you want more information about having a similar project done in your area?

Then please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information and to get a FREE, NO OBLIGATION quote!

Contact us now to find out more about our sports surfacing solutions

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